Google has a database of search history and the risk of being leaked from searching again and again

People are confident that whatever will not be available will be found on Google, but do you think a little bit while searching? Whether we are searching, before searching on Google, you know what to search and what is not
Google is the most searched People are used to believe that whoever gets it will get it on Google, but while searching, a little bit of thinking about whether we are going to be searching, search on Google. Before you know what to search and what not to be good, you do not search these five things on Google. Even if you search for these five things, then you can get trapped in the trouble. Come, let us tell you, what are these 5 things.

1. Identity:  Do not search for your identity by forgetting while searching on Google.
Because Google has a complete data base of your search history and repeatedly searching, it is in danger of being leaked. Hackers are waiting for what to get hacked easily.

2. Suspicious thing: People often search on Google for something they do not mean, but just look for them, do not search for suspicious or suspicious things, because Cyber ​​Cell was often seen on such people. Those who try to search for something suspicious, you may find it difficult, in the cases of cyber cell, there is a provision for jail sentence.

3. E-mail:Avoid personal email login by searching on Google too, if you do not do this, your account may be hacked and password leaks. According to a study, the highest hiking in the world is to have email hacking. The cyber cell is also registered.

Medicines: If you search on Google about illness and medicine then you should also avoid it. Because the data of the search is transferred to the third party, after which you are constantly shown ads related to that disease and its treatment. 5. Advertisement:  Google is ever vulnerable to Google
Any information related to this should not be searched if you do so, then you will get related ads in which you can know that some related ads come to you so that you can find out here that someone is following you on the Internet. You want the ads associated with insecurity to bother you, then you avoid doing this search.

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