What is blue moon? How Often Does A Blue Moon Happen?
The last blue moon was visible two and a half years ago, on July 31, 2015. This period of time between blue moons is quite typical, however, this year we will only have to wait two months as another blue moon is falling on March 31. This occurrence is far more rare, as two blue moons occurring in the same year will not happen again until 2037.
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The next exciting lunar event taking place on January 31 is closely related. Coined in 1979 by astrologer Richard Nolle, the moon is referred to as a supermoon when a full moon occurs no farther than 226,000 miles away from Earth. This is one of the closest points the moon gets to Earth while on it's rotation. So, while the term supermoon may sound a bit intimidating, all it means is that you will be able to see the moon a bit better.
While seeing a super moon isn't so uncommon, really great ones are.
In 2017 a super moon lit up the sky at the closest distance since 1948. It won't be until 2034 that a supermoon comes that close again. Luckily, the last lunar event making up Jan. 31's moon so special is guaranteed to make it look just as cool: A total lunar eclipse is set to occur, which means the Earth, moon, and sun will be perfectly lined up. Any derivation from a perfect line and it's only a partial eclipse.
Unlike a solar eclipse you don't need any sort of glasses to watch it — you can just look up at the moon and view its slightly reddish tinge, proof that the sun is reflecting against the moon and giving it a "blood"-like color. (Hence, Super Blue Blood Moon.)
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Considering a blue moon, super moon, and a blood moon are all happening at once on Jan. 31, the Super Blue Blood Moon isn't a lunar event to miss. Bundle up, and head outside on the night of Jan. 31 to check it out in all its glory.
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